Friday, May 28, 2004
Qwt vs BCC32
Qwt is a wonderful set of widgets, useful for scientific applications. Since I've got a copy of new C++ GUI Programming with Qt book, I tried to give Qwt a try, using Non-Commercial edition. I've used Borland C++ compiler and faced with some errors, something about exception related with STL. Apparently this was discussed before. The solution was easy, I changed qwt.pro; the line win32:CONFIG += dll should be replaced by win32:CONFIG += dll stl exceptions. The problem has gone now, although I hit by another compile error which was due to semicolon after Q_PROPERTY in qwt_push_button.h. I simply removed that semicolons and my qwt.dll (and the correspoding qwt.lib) came into life. The same fix needed to be applied also to qwtplugin.pro, I just added new line win32:CONFIG += stl exceptions and everything was fine. I copied the new qwtplugin.dll to Qt Designer plugin directory and qwt.dll to Qt bin directory (or alternatively Windows System directory), launced Qt Designer, and those nice Qwt widgets were available, at my fingertip. Time to have fun now!

Hello Ariya!
I am a student who is quite new to Qt and Qwt. I just saw your blog online and was wondering whether you will be able to answer my questions. My first question is that I have qt3.3.3Educational and would like to use qwt widgets in my Qt Designer. I downloaded and installed qwt package and I could compile the qwt examples. However, I could not run .exe files. The message said qt-mtnc321.dll was not found. I only have qt-mtedu333.dll. Does it mean I won't be able to use qwt widgets?
You said in your blog, if we put qwt.dll and qwtplugin.pro in appropriate folders in qt, we would be able to use qwt widgets in qt designers. Are those widgets avaliable as custom widgets or in regular ones?
Thank you so much for your time.
Halo Anonymous ! If you make a simple program with your Qt 3.3.3 Edu, does the program ask you also for qt-mtnc321.dll or does it work perfectly well?
Hi Ariya!
Thank you so much for replying me.
I want to use Qwt widgets with my Edu version Designer. But when I run the Qwt examples, it asks for qt-mtnc321.dll. Does it mean that the Qwt does not support edu version but the non commerical version only.
Again thank you so much. :O)
The binary distribution of Windows Qwt only supports non-commercial Qt (version 3.2.1 or 2.3). You can perhaps try to compile Qwt (from source-code) by yourself, it should not be too difficult.
Can someone please let me know where I can download the DLL "qt-mtedu333.dll" from?

Thanks in advance
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